Recovery Ecosystems: The Journey from Crisis to Community Support

Early bird pricing has been extended to September 4, 2024!
About the Conference
Welcome to the inaugural Recovery Ecosystems Conference! The 2024 conference is being jointly organized by Roanoke Valley Collective Response, Carilion Clinic and Virginia Tech. Our goal with this first conference, in what we hope will become an annual event, is to bring together diverse organizations working in areas from crisis to community support of recovery within our Roanoke area, across Virginia and in the broader Appalachian region.
There is strong collective work and collaboration among organizations serving the addiction recovery ecosystem that we hope to share during the event, but we know regional recovery ecosystems have gaps and we can all learn from others who have made a positive impact in their own communities. Please join us September 12-13, 2024 for two days of inspirational speakers, evidence-based research presentations, challenging discussions, knowledge sharing and network building with your cross-sectoral peers.
Over the course of the two days, our goal is to elevate issues relevant to those working in trauma and crisis response, prevention, treatment and recovery support, recovery housing, workforce innovation, integration of peer services, and from crisis to career. Our hope is that by bringing together a broad base of organizations and communities working to address addiction in their regions, we can strengthen this network and create new relationships that advance all of our missions.
If you are an individual with a disability and desire an accommodation, please contact Scott Weimer at 540-767-6100 or during regular business hours at least 10 business days prior to the event.
Who Should Attend the Conference
Unfortunately, the addiction crisis impacts many areas of a community and requires a community-wide commitment in response. Recovery ecosystems leverage a multi-sector approach, working collaboratively across different systems to uncover new and effective strategies for addressing the many challenges posed by addiction.
The conference is designed to bring together recovery ecosystem specialists, Emergency Medical Services, law enforcement, the judicial system, healthcare professionals, local and state government representatives, researchers, educators, community support organizations, housing developers, the faith community, and business leaders. This wide array of participants ensures that we integrate a variety of perspectives and expertise into the conference conversation. Diverse stakeholder participation will also help us identify the many points of intersection that support different pathways and trajectories of recovery for those individuals and families battling addiction – and to help create more resilient communities as result.
For more information contact Scott Weimer at 540-767-6100 or
The Recovery Ecosystems Conference is made possible through the generous support of our sponsors.