Aspiring Superintendents Program

The Aspiring Superintendents Program is a three-seminar, cohort opportunity designed specifically for executive-level leaders in school divisions who aspire to become a school district superintendent.
Sponsored by the Virginia Tech Center for Organizational and Technological Advancement (COTA) and in partnership with the Virginia Association of School Superintendents (VASS), this noncredit professional program focuses on exploring and developing the relevant skills, knowledge, and commitment needed to succeed as a superintendent. Emphasis is placed on providing a realistic overview of the complexity of the superintendent role.
What to expect:
Program faculty will offer multiple perspectives on effective leadership and highlight the value of coaching and mentoring as an important link between academic and practical preparation for the job.
An intensive, interactive and results-oriented program, ASP participants will:
- Increase awareness of the importance of building and nurturing relationships and effective communication with diverse constituencies.
- Expand and refine existing leadership capacity and acquire new skills.
- Understand the search and interview process, conducting contract negotiations, and entry planning.
- Examine standards of professional ethics for superintendents.
- Demonstrate and understand the importance of ethical leadership.
Learning will be facilitated through:
- Readings.
- Small group discussions.
- Voice of experience conversations with seated and retired superintendents.
- Simulations.
- Mock interviews.
- Analyses of case studies.
Each participant will be charged with identifying and interacting with a mentor/coach.
Final products will include an entry plan for the first 90 days on the job as a superintendent and a reflective journal synopsis based on their total program experience that identifies new awareness of the superintendent’s role and the application of what has been learned.
Participants receive contact hours from Virginia Tech upon successful completion of the program requirements.
2024 Dates:
- January 30-31, 2025
- March 13-14, 2025
- April 27-29, 2025